viernes, 8 de enero de 2021

A Five Year Period


This Sunday, January 10th, just like the day you left, it's been 5 years since you left us. Dad can't even imagine the amount of people who have told me "calm down, time heals everything" ... the most absolute lie. 50, 60, 1000 years may pass and you will always be missing. How are things over there? how is the family? you see me? Do you see us? Dad you are in all our memories, in all our events. Since you left, they may call me crazy, but I always remember you in difficult moments. There are things that you and I talked about and nobody knows but ... it doesn't matter, I know that all of your children are tremendously important to you.

When I leave this world and reach the other, I want you to be the one to receive me, hug you, kiss you, sing with you ... gossip. Ufff ... so many things to tell. Dad ... I miss you, a lot.

Five years ago I had to stand in front of your coffin and say a few words in your honor,words that I took from my soul and my heart and that, to be honest I don't no how I was able to say. Today, five years ago you left and I say "today", because I don't know if on Sunday January 10th I will have the stregnth to write for you, I must say that the pain is still there, that sadness still lives inside me, the hope of seeing you again has increased . Dad I miss you and I know where you are going, do you know why? because you live in me


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