35 years ago I was only 2. 35 years ago our country suffered a big change. It happens that here, there and everywhere when you don't agree with the government you just wait till this ends and then you vote, you choose again. If by voting we see that tendency wins again well...I'm sorry, people have spoken, whether we like it or not. Democracy is democracy.Sadly by then there was a group of people that was really vain, they wanted to make a decision by me, by my family, by chilean people.Until now I use to hear people saying they are very overwhelmed by the attack to the Twin Towers, or any other attack in the Middle East. That's terrible, but I honestly think that bombed La Moneda is grotesquely obcene. Our Palace of Governemet being bombed by militars who thought they owned the truth, that is a scene that filled me with pain and sadness...because I know what came later.Days ago while watching a tv progamme, I thought..how would our country have been if that military strike wouldn't have existed? We would have had the pleasure to have been visited by several rock bands for sure. Besides Serrat, for instance, would have come many times, as Silvio Rodriguez. Lots of book would have been 2eaten" by our "thirsty" of knowledge society. Maybe things that happen now, would have happened years ago so now we'd be on advantage. We wouldn't have had that famous and useless CEMA Chile, which it was just an excuse for some women just to gossip-and please don't tell me I'm wrong-, headed by the eternal smiled Lucìa Hiriart de Pinochet. I still remember her typical new year's speech begining always with "Dear children..." I get sick only by remembering. But the most important thing: if our democracy would have keep on with its normal course...thousand of chilean people would be with their families, excepting those that for natural causes have already left us.Despite all this there is something I feel , very strong inside: I'm proud of being chilean, proud to have had the first socialist president democratically elected by people-and what a president- on world history, proud to belong to a country that said "enough" knowing that there are other countries in where people are submited for decades and decades. But above all, in the future, and now that I'm a mother, I expect to feel even prouder to belong to a country that doesn't forget, not for having hard feelings- which by the way would be a tremendous reason-but out of that the future is made of, but the good one. If I cut my finger chopping onion, I'll know that I have to do it in any other way then, so now we know there are certain things we do not have to allow. No more dictatorship in Chile, no more...for respecting to all those who were submited fighting for what it was snatched from us and our Partner President Salvador Allende. Hurrah for Chile and its democracy, that wheter we like it or not, we are capable to respect and let it keep on with its normal corse. That's the way it should have always been.