jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2008


There you go! well, I have to say it...there were some who thought they can have their revenge now so...I accept it, I deserve it. Enjoy!

Claudio looks like Beto Cuevas

Viviana is Cecilia Bolocco

Denis is Mariah Carey

Gonzalo is Benjamin Linus from LOST

...but time ago he was also Charly Alberti

Claudio, my brother in law is Oscar Gangas

I've always thought Mariela looks like Pier Angeli

...but, let's face it, she also looks like Savannah

Did you see that movie..."Ghost"?
Charly is that ghost from the train!!!

Christian is "Jhonny" from "The Shining" (but he looks like Beetlejuice though)

Alejandro is Paul McCartney

...but some of you know he has always looked like ...

Chris Robinson from the Black Crowes

Valentina is Leonardo Farkas

Rodrigo is Josè Miguel Insulza

...and some of you said ...

I lool like "Carrie"!!

and that's all falks!