It was a blink and 2017 is going. The Christmas that I looked forward to has already passed. The celebration of the New Year and wait for 2018 ... this weekend. And summer holiday in a couple of days.
This year-like the previous ones-has taught me that I must always be cautious, that my children grow, that my family and friends change. But there are unconditional people who will ALWAYS be by my side. My feelings have not changed. I'm still the same as always. Stubborn, lover of Christmas and important dates, missing my dad, person tolike gahtering the family as it is. And ... I do not plan to change. Maybe you and I do not see each other very often. Maybe almost never. But if you read this, be sure that your comment will be valued and you are always in my thoughts.
I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and that 2018 does not bring more than ... good vibes and health. NOTHING ELSE.
P.S. I still miss you, dad.