martes, 6 de diciembre de 2016


According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy of Language PROMISE  is defined as: 
. "Expression
  of the
  wish of
Give someone or do something for him. "

-"Solemn offering, without religious formula, but
Equivalent to an oath to perform well the duties of a
Charge or function to be exercised. "

Promise: a legal or sometimes moral value. From my point of view, the fact that it is moral is even more valuable. Especially considering who is made that promise for. It should-or ought-to be the greatest will and dullness in fulfilling it.

But, what happens when there's a huge wall in front of you that doesn't let you continue with the promise that with your soul and with all your heart you swore to fulfill ?. It already becomes exhausting, draining and even causing damage to the health of those who do want to keep it. You see yourself preaching in the desert in front of beings who believe they have more right or knowledge than you, who are based on lies to carry out their selfish desire. And they will have no qualms about slandering you-even knowing their own reality and behavioral history-as long as they can  indispose you.

I lost the battle. As a consolation I have the knowledge that perhaps the person to whom I made this promise knows that I tried by all means ... but they put obstacles to the size of Everest Mount.

It hurts. And I feel that I have betrayed - though involuntarily - someone who told me a thousand times in private "do this, do that, promise me". And I agreed, from the heart. But stabbing in the back to someone who can not give his opinion is unforgivable. My conscience is not calm, even though I know it's not my fault. The others ... probably are. Because I know that sense of responsibility, loyalty and honesty  THEY DO NOT HAVE.

I am sorry. Forgive me.