Opportunist: guy who takes advantage of some political circumstances to make use of his wealthy condition to become a candidate, it could be his carism and of course his last name, which is part of a prestigious chilean family.
The definition belongs to Elorrietìstic Royal Dictionary of the "Thinking" Language of MINE, and that's it. And obviously it has a destination who has name and last name. Is it obvious? It's nothing more and nothing less than Sebastian Piñera. Because after all seen the last months, I have nothing but to write this post to his art. The art of making the fool-or try to-of every chilean guy-or woman- who's in front of him. Of course not any guy, no please. It's just this kind of person, the one who buys his concern about our beautiful Chile. Such concern takes him to some point in which he has to prepare a trip to Colombia- I don't see the why-with maps, figures and everything to discuss with president Uribe the complicated situation of OUR Transantiago, and that, of course is all the current government's fault, right?.what a cheeky fellow ...and that's only one point. The last one was two days ago when certain mayor was acussed of-I believe-embezzlement. He, as we all expected, get a very supportive reaction from his political tendency, which-what a coincidence-belongs to the same, in some way, that Piñera has. But no. Sebita had to show his $OCIAL vocation, and he asked this mayor to clear his economical situation to the chilean people (people: word that every candidate loves to use, when need it but in fact most of them gets sick of when practice it). When watching this I did nothing but laugh. Outreagoeus, really. Well, with out considering that some women will vote him just because they say he is hot ( helloooo), which seems to be enaugh to use the presidential seat in LA MONEDA. Anyhow, if next year Seba becomes our elected president, I strongly believe this country will have what deserves, buy I ...won't vote him. Maybe I'd do it for his brother, if he'd say we'll have free parties every month, but as I'm sure that would be with Sebas's money...I don't think it'd work.